Top-Rated Endocrinology Services
We offer state of the art care for our patients by providing the most advanced treatments and therapies available. Our clinical team stays abreast of the latest developments so that we can offer treatment options that have shown the best possible outcomes. The following are the most common conditions that we treat.
We treat both Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes
The number of people who are diagnosed with diabetes is increasing every year. It is a serious disease that gets worse if left untreated. Patients who ignore treatment plans, risk losing their eyesight as well as lower limb amputation
There are several treatment protocols available depending on the type of diabetes and other risk factors. Lifestyle management including exercise and diet may be recommended. In addition, there are several therapies that have been proven successful in the management of the disease.
Kern Endocrinology Center offers:
Continuous Glucose Monitoring
These devices allow for measuring glucose levels by applying a sensor beneath your skin and utilizing your cell phone or digital device for glucose readings. Eliminates the need for finger sticks.
Insulin Pumps
These small devices are useful for insulin delivery directly into your body. About the size of a small cell phone, allowing diabetics to avoid multiple daily insulin injections.
Injectables & Oral Medications
Current up-to-date treatments and medication therapies

Americans are increasingly finding that maintaining a healthy weight is more and more of a challenge. Currently, over 70% of Americans are either overweight or obese. A patient’s sense of well-being, as well as several serious diseases, are related to excess weight and obesity.
At Kern Endocrinology Center, we have the experience and technology to properly diagnose weight concerns and the good news is that reaching a healthy weight is more obtainable than ever.

About half of all menopausal women are at risk for disease and fracturing. While the loss of estrogen puts menopausal women at risk, many other factors can also increase anyone’s risk for thin bones.
We use a variety of testing procedures to determine the proper course of treatment which can include medical intervention in addition to nutrition guidance.
We provide the proper course of treatment which can include medical intervention in addition to nutrition guidance. Prescriptions that will help build your bones up and decrease the risk of fractures from falls.

The thyroid gland is a small gland that regulates many of the body’s metabolic systems. It is reported that up to 12% of Americans will experience a thyroid disorder in their lifetime. However, thyroid disease is generally very treatable.
We have found that accurately identifying thyroid disorders does require the specialized experience offered at Kern Endocrinology Center. We have successfully diagnosed and treated thousands of people and you can rest assured that we will accurately determine the health of your thyroid.

The pituitary gland is about the size of a pea and is found at the base of the brain, behind the bridge of your nose. Most disorders involve the pituitary either not releasing enough or too little of one or more hormones.
An accurate diagnosis is required so that the proper treatment may be prescribed. At Kern Endocrinology we are able to accurately determine the cause of the problem and we offer a variety of oral medications to treat pituitary dysfunction.

Hormonal Disorders – is a non-specific term that applies to a variety of endocrine diseases that include disorders of the pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid glands, adrenal glands, the pancreas as well as the testicles and ovaries.
We treat a variety of hormonal disorders in men and women.
Male - Testicular conditions including impotence, loss of sexual interest, Diminished
testosterone production, hypogonadism and fertility.
Female - Ovarian conditions including abnormal menstrual cycles, polycystic ovary syndrome,

The adrenal glands are small glands found above each kidney. These glands are multifunctional as they produce a variety of hormones that are important to allow the human body to adapt to stress, maintain a proper balance of salt and water, as well as produce male and female hormones. Medications can be utilized to stop the excess
production of hormones. Hormones can be replaced if levels are low.
Disease may manifest as over- or under-production of important hormones, or as tumors of the adrenals. Fortunately, all the important hormones are available for medically required therapy
Most common:
Cushing’s syndrome
Adrenal insufficiency
Addison’s disease
Fortunately, all the important hormones are available as replacement therapy if needed.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder common among women of reproductive age. Women with PCOS may have infrequent or prolonged menstrual periods or excess male hormone (androgen) levels. The ovaries may develop numerous small collections of fluid (follicles) and fail to regularly release eggs.
The exact cause of PCOS is unknown. Early diagnosis and treatment along with weight loss may reduce the risk of long-term complications such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Signs and symptoms of PCOS often develop around the time of the first menstrual period during puberty. Sometimes PCOS develops later, for example, in response to substantial weight gain.
Signs and symptoms of PCOS vary. A diagnosis of PCOS is made when you experience at least
two of these signs:
• Irregular periods. Infrequent, irregular or prolonged menstrual cycles are the most common sign of PCOS. For example, you might have fewer than nine periods a year, more than 35 days between periods, and abnormally heavy periods.
• Excess androgen. Elevated levels of male hormones may result in physical signs, such as excess facial and body hair (hirsutism), and occasionally severe acne and male-pattern baldness.
• Polycystic ovaries. Your ovaries might be enlarged and contain follicles that surround the eggs. As a result, the ovaries might fail to function regularly.